Standing Rules
Rule 1. The right to vote in meetings of the NEA-GLBTC shall be limited to active, student, and retired members.
Rule 2. The right to debate shall be open to all members of the Caucus.
Rule 3. The right to speak at the microphone shall be open to all Caucus members or those speakers who have the approval of the Co-Chairs.
Rule 4. The Treasurer shall be the final authority regarding validity of membership. In the event the Treasurer is not in attendance at RA, the chairs shall appoint a temporary designee.
Rule 5. The order of business at the annual meetings of the NEA-GLBTC shall be the prerogative of the Co-Chairs, with the advice of the Steering Committee, and as amended/accepted by the membership in attendance.
Rule 6. Standing Rules may be amended or deleted at any meeting of the NEA-GLBTC during the NEA RA.
Rule 7. Minutes of each session of the NEA-GLBTC shall be provided to the membership in attendance at the next meeting.
Rule 8. There shall be an official Parliamentarian, appointed by the Caucus Co-Chairs, to whom questions may be directed only through the presiding officer. The presiding officer rules; the Parliamentarian may advise.
Rule 9. Candidates for NEA-GLBTC Officer positions will be allowed a three- minute speech during the Caucus meeting on the day of that election.
Rule 10. Candidates for NEA-GLBTC Regional Director positions will be allowed a one-minute speech during the Caucus meeting on the day of that election.
Rule 11. Debate on proposed amendments to the NEA-GLBTC Bylaws will be scheduled by the Steering Committee for the first NEA-GLBTC meeting during the NEA RA. Printed copies of proposed bylaws amendments will be available at the first Caucus meeting.
Rule 12. The membership list including addresses and phone numbers will be available only to members of the Steering Committee. Individual members may give permission for their names to be released. Use of this information will be for mailing newsletters and other necessary contacts by the NEA-GLBTC Steering Committee.
Rule 13. New RA business items seeking NEA-GLBTC consideration or endorsement must be submitted to the RA Logistics Director.
Rule 14. Secret ballot voting shall be held for four hours immediately following the end of the morning Caucus session on the designated election day(s).
Rule 15. Voting on the floor of the Caucus meetings requires the showing of a valid voting card.
- Rule 16. NEA-GLBTC Regions shall be:
- Northeast – CT, DE, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT
- Southeast- AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, PR, SC, TN
- MidAtlantic- FEA, KY, MD, NC, OH, VA, WV
- Midwest – IL, IN, IA, MN, MO, MI, ND, SD, WI
- Western- AZ, CO, KS, NE, NM, OK, TX, UT, WY
- Pacific – AK, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, WA